be a technical resource for Limited Mobility Solutions share technology product documentation
independence through technology for those who are disabled or have diseases
voice activated solutions for products
Help make our site more complete. You can help by:
1. Sharing with us any caveats you ran into implementing a voice activated solution so others can benefit. 2. Point out product documentation gaps (Amazon Echo, Google Home, Logitech Harmony Hub, WeMo, Lifx) just to name a few. What could the manufacturers have done a better job explaining??? 3. Submit a Solutions scenario to be included on our site. We would want to follow a consistent format– provide a list of the original Requirements, give a High Level Description of the Solution, then give a Detailed View of the Solution including the best available documentation/YouTube videos that helped you with the implementation. 4. If you see an unmet need that might be handled via a voice activated solution, provide us with the requirements for that solution to see where we can help. These unmet needs can include documentation gaps that are critical to people with limited mobility. As an example, Logitech has not released guidance documentation on how to configure the Guide button, Page Up, Page down, and Select. Anyone with limited mobility that has cable tv or a dish will want to be able to configure the guide button. 5. Finally, you can also help us by volunteering to be a technical resource.
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Want to Donate? | Privacy Policy | Send an email Copyright 2024 Limited Mobility Solutions Inc. Website by North Country Website Design.
Help make our site more complete. You can help by:
1. Sharing with us any caveats you ran into implementing a voice activated solution so others can benefit. 2. Point out product documentation gaps (Amazon Echo, Google Home, Logitech Harmony Hub, WeMo, Lifx) just to name a few. What could the manufacturers have done a better job explaining??? 3. Submit a Solutions scenario to be included on our site. We would want to follow a consistent format– provide a list of the original Requirements, give a High Level Description of the Solution, then give a Detailed View of the Solution including the best available documentation/YouTube videos that helped you with the implementation. 4. If you see an unmet need that might be handled via a voice activated solution, provide us with the requirements for that solution to see where we can help. These unmet needs can include documentation gaps that are critical to people with limited mobility. As an example, Logitech has not released guidance documentation on how to configure the Guide button, Page Up, Page down, and Select. Anyone with limited mobility that has cable tv or a dish will want to be able to configure the guide button. 5. Finally, you can also help us by volunteering to be a technical resource.